昨年10月から始ったグルメシリーズも今月で7回目。ここで一度おさらいしてみましょう。これまで贈呈されたグルメギフトは虎屋の羊羹、チーズの燻製の奈良漬、肉味噌、珍しい櫨のハチミツ、鳴門のお味噌汁セット、有機ジャムセット、蜜柑の瓶詰、最高級焼きのり、Baby Beetrootの真空パック、ドイツ産ソーセージの缶詰、オリーブオイル、チーズのみそ漬け、北海道限定香ばしバターポテトに十勝牛乳キャラメル。いやはやなんともバラエティーに富んだセレクションです。
まさに若い頃から通訳の仕事を通じて約90ヶ国を訪問し、各国のVIPとの面識もある当社代表の木下ならでは”本物志向”です。現在でも日本国内はもとより世界各地を飛び回る木下をアシスタントとしてサポートし続けているのが今回のBirthday Girl。「社長と同じ猪年です。」とパワー全開。頑張れ!
We celebrated one more staff who had a birthday this month.
The gourmet series that started from October last year reached the seventh times this month. So, let's review them now. Gourmet gifts awarded so far are "Toraya's Sweet bean jelly","Smoked Cheese in Narazuke Style " , "Miso-Marinated Pork" , "Japanese wax tree Honey", "Miso Soup Sets from Naruto","Organic Jam Sets","Bottled-Mandarin","Luxury Roasted Seaweed",""Vacuum Packed Baby Beetroot", "Canned Sausage from Germany"," Organic Olive Oil, "Miso-Pickled Cheese", "Limited edition Hokkaido Butter Poteto" and "Tokachi Milk Caramel". Wow! What a rich in variety selections.
Ms. Kinoshita, the president of OWLS has visited about 90 countries and has been acquainted with the VIP in these countries through an interpreter's work from younger days knows the best.
As an assistant, the Birthday Girl has been supporting Ms. Kinoshita, who continues to fly around the world as well as in Japan.
She said very powerfully, "I was born in the year of boar and my zodiac is that of the president." and the power is fully opened. Hang in there!