木下は国際ゾンタ(Zonta International)の活動に長年関わっています。国際ゾンタは「奉仕とアドボカシーを通して女性をエンパワーする」ために活動する世界的な社会奉仕団体として、1919年11月8日にアメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州バッファローにて設立されました。現在はシカゴに本部を置き、世界67ケ国に1,200以上のクラブがあり、約30,000人の会員で運営されています。
The 61st UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
CSW was established in June 1946 as one of the functional committees of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). CSW’s main activities are to recommend, report and make proposals for improving the status of women in politics, civil rights, society, education and etc. The annual meeting is held in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City every year for two to three weeks in March. Ms. Kinoshita, the president of OWLS participated in this year’s event.
Ms. Kinoshita has been actively involved with Zonta International for many years. Zonta International was founded in Buffalo, New York, USA on November 8th, 1919 as a worldwide community service organization working to “Empowering Women through Service and Advocacy.” Currently headquartered in Chicago, there are more than 1,200 clubs in 67 countries with over 30,000 members.
70 Zontians from 22 countries participated in this CSW and Ms. Kinoshita as a representative of Japan commented when interviewed, “This was my first CSW and found it was far more than I expected. I will bring more Zontians from District 26 next year. ”
Japan will host the 64th Zonta International Convention next year in Yokohama and Ms. Kinoshita is going to be busier than ever.