今月の気になるグルメシリーズギフトは… チーズのみそ漬けでした。お酒の肴にもってこいですし、スティック野菜との相性も抜群です。勿論、チーズとしてクラッカーに乗せても間違いなしの絶品です。正に発酵・熟成の妙であります。
Birthday Girlは本日が実際の誕生日でした。これからの1年は「苦手な事にも正面からチャレンジしていきたい。」と、若さあふれるスピーチを披露。
一方、リアルに若いBirthday Boyはこれもまた爽やかに、「これからも学びを続け、立派なビジネスパーソンになりたい。」との事で、春の風がオフィスに吹いたみたいで気持ちの良い誕生会でした。
We had a birthday celebration for our staff members born in April. This month’s surprising gourmet gifts were “miso-pickled cheese ” . It is perfect for relishing sake and it goes really well with stick vegetables as well. Of course, even if you put it on a cracker as cheese it is delicious and there is no doubt about it. It is exquisitely fermented and aged.
Birthday girl celebrates her actual birthday today. "In the coming year, I would like to face the challenge of what I am not good at ", she made a youthful birthday speech.
On the other hand, the real young Birthday Boy was also made freshly refreshing birthday speech as "I want to continue learning from now on and I want to become a good business person," so it was a pleasant birthday party as if spring breeze blew into the office .