H29年度 外国人講師の初期研修が行われました。
弊社代表取締役社長 木下もレクチャーを行い、どの外国人講師も真剣に耳を傾けていました。
Initial training for foreign language instructors was held for FY2017.
We successfully completed an intensive training seminar for all the foreign language instructors with an introduction of our company's management philosophy, organizational structure, employment conditions and labor management provisions followed by matters concerning Japanese laws and employment, matters concerning general living, culture and education system in Japan. Furthermore, we discussed specifically about foreign language education in the Japanese public schools. In addition, senior instructors gave lecturers and teaching demonstrations and they lead the panel discussion and the discussion among the groups.
Ms. Kinoshita also gave a lecture during the training and every instructor was listening to her very seriously.
How those instructors conduct their daily classes, properly correct students’ writings, give a guidance on speech and prepare students for English examinations are all important elements of enhancing students’ motivation for English learning and improving their language skills.
We sincerely hope that our instructors who must have improved their skills through the initial training and raised their awareness of foreign language education, can contribute to help Japanese students grow to be truly “global people”.