4月3日(月)~5日(水)2泊3日の日程で、English Speaking Camp in Springを運営させて頂きました。
最終日には、全員が自分の好きな物や持っているものについて発表する、Show and Tellに挑戦しました。一人ひとり、全員の前で3日間の合宿の成果を堂々と披露することができました。
Good luck for everyone!! また夏に逢いましょう!
We ran an English Speaking Camp in Spring for 3 days and 2 nights from Monday, April 3rd to Wednesday, April 5th.
Karatsu Royal Hotel was the venue for this camp and was surrounded by a lot of pine tree which the participants found very refreshing when playing outside. This gave the participants comfort and helped them to break the ice and actively engage in conversation in English.
On the last day, we challenged the participants with "Show and Tell"and each and every one of the members announced about one's favorite thing and things one have, and they were able to demonstrate what they have archived during this camp.
English education in Japan has gained much interests because of the Revision to the Course of Study in year 2020 and the abolishment of the National Center Test for University Admissions. In moving forward, the students are expected to have not only a knowledge of the subject but also an ability to communicate in English and to work collaboratively with others while keeping their independence. We believe, though this three days all in English camp, that we provided the foundation to do just that.
We also believe that the very experience during this camp shall help them when facing their entrance examination and when pursuing their career in the future.
Good luck for everyone! We shall meet again this summer!