本年最初の社内誕生会。1月に誕生日を迎えるスタッフのお祝いをしました。プレゼントは上品な『花びら餅』。昨年は誕生日を迎えるにあたり、「年末年始に体調を崩してしまったので、今年は体調管理に気を付けたい。」とコメントしたBirthday Girlでしたが、「あれ以来、病気することなく健やかな一年でした。今年も引き続き体調管理に気をつけながら頑張りたい。」と笑顔で応えました。
As the first in-house birthday party this year, we celebrated the birthday of a staff member who was born in January. This month's birthday gift was an elegant "Hanabira Mochi". "I want to pay attention to physical condition management this year because I felt sick during the year-end and New Year holidays", this was the comment that the birthday girl gave last year. However, this year's comment was "I have been sick and healthy It was a year, I want to keep on working while keeping in mind the physical condition management this year. " with a big smile.