Birthday Girlは「とうとうアラフォーというかジャスト40に、、、動悸も激しくなって、、」(場内爆笑)「アウルズに入社して来年の2月で満4年目なりますが、まだまだ足りないところばかりですが、今後ともよろしくお願いします。」と語った。
Birthday Boyは「スピーチはあまり得意ではないんだ。でも、お祝いしてくれてありがとう。僕は英国人だからお紅茶のプレゼントは本当に嬉しい。毎日、たくさん紅茶をのむからね。」と満面の笑みで語った。
We had a birthday celebration for our staff member born in November.
Birthday girl said, "Well, I became around 40 or actually just turned 40 and my heart is beating faster than ever. (Big Laughter) This coming February will mark my fourth year since I joined OWLS. I know I can do better and I'd like to continue improving".
Birthday boy said, "I'm not very good at speech so, I just say, Thank you very much for the present and it's actually perfect for me since I'm from England and I drink a lot of tea. So, thank you very much" with big smile on his face.