【社内誕生会】August 2017

【社内誕生会】August 2017
Gift Giving
Aug. Birthday Boy
Aug. Birthday Girl


Birthday Boyは来期に向けて「全てを引き受けて日々邁進したい。」とリーダ宣言! 期待しています。全社一丸で夏を乗り越えよう。

We had a birthday celebration for our staff member born in August.
This month’s surprising gourmet gift that will conclude the gourmet gift series is sea urchin.

Birthday boy expressed his commitment as a leader, "I will push forward day by day taking every responsibilities in this company."  We are counting on you.  Let's overcome the summer with every and each staff together. 


Birthday Girlは、「2ヶ月前に入社し、1ヶ月のお休みがあったので、また新たな気持ちで業務に臨みます。」と意欲を示してくれました。引き続きよろしくお願いします。

We celebrated a coordinator whose birthday is in the month of August.

Birthday Girl is refreshed and ready to get back to work after a month of summer break.