注目のグルメギフト、1点目はOneHarvest社のオーストラリア産Baby Beetrootの真空パック。日本ではビーツ野菜と呼ばれており、赤カブのように見えるが、カブやダイコンとは関係なく、ホウレン草と同じアカザ科で、サトウダイコン(テンサイ)の仲間なのだ。分かりやすいところでいえばロシア料理のボルシチには欠かせない材料です。
The monthly birthday party of staff members. This month we celebrated two staff members.
Attention gourmet gift, the first one was vacuum shield packed Australian Baby Beetroot by OneHarvest. It is called “beet vegetables” in Japan, and it looks like a red turnip or radish, but it is a member of sugar beet (sugar beet), the same family as spinach, regardless of its appearance. It is also known to be the key ingredient for Russian food Borscht.
It is also called “miracle vegetables” because it contains a lot of nutrients such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, niacin, pantothenic acid, betacyanin, and betaine.
The second gift was the German canned sausage by Hareico. You can cook it by leaving the whole can for 20 minutes in the hot water having reached the boiling temperature.
By the way, it seems that Hellico’s are proud of their genuine authentic German taste, and this seems to be a unique sausage with coarse ground.
Both of you have a fruitful and good year.